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Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary - move


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(moves, moving, moved) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. When you move something or when it moves, its position changes and it does not remain still. She moved the sheaf of papers into position... A traffic warden asked him to move his car... I could see the branches of the trees moving back and forth... The train began to move. VERB: V n prep/adv, V n, V prep/adv, V 2. When you move, you change your position or go to a different place. She waited for him to get up, but he didn’t move... He moved around the room, putting his possessions together... VERB: V, V prep/adv • Move is also a noun. The doctor made a move towards the door... Daniel’s eyes followed her every move. = movement N-COUNT: usu sing 3. If you move, you act or you begin to do something. Industrialists must move fast to take advantage of new opportunities in Eastern Europe. = act VERB: V 4. A move is an action that you take in order to achieve something. The one point cut in interest rates was a wise move... The thirty-five member nations agreed to the move... N-COUNT: usu sing 5. If a person or company moves, they leave the building where they have been living or working, and they go to live or work in a different place, taking their possessions with them. My family home is in Yorkshire and they don’t want to move... She had often considered moving to London... They move house fairly frequently... VERB: V, V to n, V n • Move is also a noun. Modigliani announced his move to Montparnasse in 1909. N-COUNT 6. If people in authority move someone, they make that person go from one place or job to another one. His superiors moved him to another parish... Ms Clark is still in position and there are no plans to move her... = transfer VERB: V n prep/adv, V n 7. If you move from one job or interest to another, you change to it. He moved from being an extramural tutor to being a lecturer in social history... In the early days Christina moved jobs to get experience. VERB: V from/to n/-ing, V n • Move is also a noun. His move to the chairmanship means he will take a less active role in day-to-day management. N-COUNT 8. If you move to a new topic in a conversation, you start talking about something different. Let’s move to another subject, Dan. VERB: V from/to n/-ing 9. If you move an event or the date of an event, you change the time at which it happens. The club has moved its meeting to Saturday, January 22nd... The band have moved forward their Leeds date to October 27. VERB: V n to n, V n with adv, also V n 10. If you move towards a particular state, activity, or opinion, you start to be in that state, do that activity, or have that opinion. Since the Convention was drawn up international opinion has begun to move against it. VERB: V prep/adv • Move is also a noun. His move to the left was not a sudden leap but a natural working out of ideas. = shift N-COUNT 11. If a situation or process is moving, it is developing or progressing, rather than staying still. Events are moving fast... Someone has got to get things moving. VERB: usu cont, V, V n -ing 12. If you say that you will not be moved, you mean that you have come to a decision and nothing will change your mind. Everyone thought I was mad to go back, but I wouldn’t be moved. = budge VERB: usu passive, with neg, be V-ed 13. If something moves you to do something, it influences you and causes you to do it. It was punk that first moved him to join a band seriously... VERB: V n to-inf 14. If something moves you, it has an effect on your emotions and causes you to feel sadness or sympathy for another person. These stories surprised and moved me... His prayer moved me to tears. VERB: V n, V n to n • moved Those who listened to him were deeply moved. ADJ: v-link ADJ 15. If you say that someone moves in a particular society, circle, or world, you mean that they know people in a particular social class or group and spend most of their time with them. She moves in high-society circles in London... VERB: V in n 16. At a meeting, if you move a motion, you formally suggest it so that everyone present can vote on it. Labour quickly moved a closure motion to end the debate... I move that the case be dismissed. = put forward, propose VERB: V n, V that 17. A move is an act of putting a chess piece or other counter in a different position on a board when it is your turn to do so in a game. With no idea of what to do for my next move, my hand hovered over the board. N-COUNT 18. If you say that one false move will cause a disaster, you mean that you or someone else must not make any mistakes because the situation is so difficult or dangerous. He knew one false move would end in death. PHRASE 19. If you tell someone to get a move on, you are telling them to hurry. (INFORMAL) = hurry up PHRASE 20. If you make a move, you prepare or begin to leave one place and go somewhere else. He glanced at his wristwatch. ‘I suppose we’d better make a move.’ PHRASE: V inflects, oft PHR to-inf 21. If you make a move, you take a course of action. The week before the deal was supposed to close, fifteen Japanese banks made a move to pull out... PHRASE: V inflects, oft PHR to-inf 22. If you are on the move, you are going from one place to another. Jack never wanted to stay in one place for very long, so they were always on the move. PHRASE: usu PHR after v, v-link PHR 23. to move the goalposts: see goalpost to move a muscle: see muscle
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   I. verb  (~d; moving)  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French ~r, ~ir, from Latin movere; probably akin to Sanskrit mivati he ~s, pushes  Date: 13th century  intransitive verb  1.  a.  (1) to go or pass to another place or in a certain direction with a continuous motion ~d into the shade  (2) to proceed toward a certain state or condition moving up the executive ladder ~d into second place  (3) to become transferred during play checkers ~ along diagonally adjacent squares  (4) to keep pace moving with the times  b. to start away from some point or place ; depart  c. to change one's residence or location  2. to carry on one's life or activities in a specified environment ~s in the best circles  3. to change position or posture ; stir ordered him not to ~  4. to take action ; act  5.  a. to begin operating or functioning or working in a usual way  b. to show marked activity after a lull things really began to ~  c. to ~ a piece (as in chess or checkers) during one's turn  6. to make a formal request, application, or appeal  7. to change hands by being sold or rented goods that ~d slowly  8. of the bowels evacuate  transitive verb  1.  a.  (1) to change the place or position of  (2) to dislodge or displace from a fixed position ; budge  b. to transfer (as a piece in chess) from one position to another  2.  a.  (1) to cause to go or pass from one place to another with a continuous motion ~ the flag slowly up and down  (2) to cause to advance  b. to cause to operate or function ; actuate this button ~s the whole machine  c. to put into activity or rouse up from inactivity  3. to cause to change position or posture  4. to prompt or rouse to the doing of something ; persuade the report ~d us to take action  5.  a. to stir the emotions, feelings, or passions of deeply ~d by such kindness  b. to affect in such a way as to lead to an indicated show of emotion the story ~d her to tears  6.  a. obsolete beg  b. to make a formal application to  7. to...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  v. & n. --v. 1 intr. & tr. change one's position or posture, or cause to do this. 2 tr. & intr. put or keep in motion; rouse, stir. 3 a intr. make a move in a board-game. b tr. change the position of (a piece) in a board-game. 4 intr. (often foll. by about, away, etc.) go or pass from place to place. 5 intr. take action, esp. promptly (moved to reduce unemployment). 6 intr. make progress (the project is moving fast). 7 intr. a change one's place of residence. b (of a business etc.) change to new premises (also tr.: move house; move offices). 8 intr. (foll. by in) live or be socially active in (a specified place or group etc.) (moves in the best circles). 9 tr. affect (a person) with (usu. tender or sympathetic) emotion. 10 tr. a (foll. by in) stimulate (laughter, anger, etc., in a person). b (foll. by to) provoke (a person to laughter etc.). 11 tr. (foll. by to, or to + infin.) prompt or incline (a person to a feeling or action). 12 a tr. cause (the bowels) to be evacuated. b intr. (of the bowels) be evacuated. 13 tr. (often foll. by that + clause) propose in a meeting, deliberative assembly, etc. 14 intr. (foll. by for) make a formal request or application. 15 intr. (of merchandise) be sold. --n. 1 the act or an instance of moving. 2 a change of house, business premises, etc. 3 a step taken to secure some action or effect; an initiative. 4 a the changing of the position of a piece in a board-game. b a player's turn to do this. Phrases and idioms get a move on colloq. 1 hurry up. 2 make a start. make a move take action. move along (or on) change to a new position, esp. to avoid crowding, getting in the way, etc. move heaven and earth see HEAVEN. move in 1 take possession of a new house. 2 get into a position of influence, interference, etc. 3 get into a position of readiness or proximity (for an offensive action etc.). move mountains see MOUNTAIN. move out 1 leave one's home; change one's place of residence. 2 leave a position, job, etc. move over (or up) adjust one's position to make room for another. on the move 1...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) перемещение перемещать 2) двигать(ся); передвигаться 3) манипулировать (рабочими органами) 4) ход (механизма) 5) вчт. пересылка - roughing move - test move ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  ход, перемещение двигаться, перемещаться on-the-job moves ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) перемещение 2) передача – aligned-block move ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) двигать 2) двигаться 3) движение 4) делать ход 5) перебросить 6) передвигаться 7) машиностр. передвижка 8) перемещать 9) перемещаться 10) перемещение 11) компьют. пересылка 12) подвигать 13) страгивать 14) стронуть 15) стронуться 16) ход forbidden heretical move — запрещенный ход half speed move — среднеходный infinite move game — игра с бесконечным числом ходов move again headwind — двигаться при встречном ветре move against pressure — преодолевать давление move an arc of a circle — двигаться по дуге move at speed of — развивать скорость move in a circle — двигаться по кругу move in a parabola — двигаться по параболе move in a path — двигаться по траектории move in a straight line — двигаться по прямой move in straight lines — двигаться по прямым линиям move over armature — перебросить якорь реле move over scale — двигаться по шкала move switch to OFF position — ставить выключатель в положение ВЫКЛ move switch to ON position — ставить выключатель в положение ВКЛ - chance move - elementary move - exploratory move - first move - knight's move - make move - move clockwise - move counter-clockwise - move earth - move rectilienarly - move sequence - move to - move translationally - opening move - optimal move - personal move - player move ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) движение 2) перемена места 3) поступок, шаг 4) ход (событий, дел) • - easy money moves - make a move - move in - move out Syn: action, act, behaviour, step, proceeding 2. гл. 1) двигаться, развиваться (о событиях) 2) идти (о целях) 3) вносить (предложение) - move a resolution - move downward - move upward ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. движение; перемена положения, места on the move —- в движении; на ногах; на ходу science on the move —- наука в своем развитии, прогресс науки to make a move —- прийти в движение; сдвинуться или тронуться с места; отправляться; вставать из-за стола to make a move toward smb., smth. —- двинуться на кого-л., на что-л.; направиться (броситься) к кому-л., чему-л. (it's) time to make a move —- пора идти (отправляться, двигаться) we must make a move, we must be on the move —- нам надо идти, нам пора двигаться to get a move on —- разг. начинать двигаться, трогаться с места; отправляться; спешить, торопиться, поторапливаться get a move on! —- давай пошевеливайся! 2. воен. переброска; передвижение moves of large bodies of troops —- переброска (передвижение) крупных соединений on the move —- на марше 3. перевозка, транспортировка (продукции в пределах предприятия) 4. ход (в игре) the move —- решающий ход knight's move —- ход конем mate in four moves —- шахм. мат в четыре хода to make a move —- сделать ход to take the move back —- взять ход назад to know all the moves —- знать все ходы; уметь играть whose move is it? —- чей ход? it's your move —- ваш ход 5. переезд (на другую квартиру, в другое место) it's our third move in two years —- за два года мы переезжаем уже третий раз he made a move to Paris —- он переехал в Париж 6. поступок;...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  in  а) вводить, вдвигать;  б) въезжать (в квартиру); Weve bought our new house, but we cant move in till the end of the month.  в) окружать и готовиться к атаке (on); The police are moving in on the criminals hiding in the house.  г) контролировать чью-л. деятельность (чаще незаконно); Criminals have been moving in on the taxi business for some years. MOVE  1. noun  1) движение, перемена места; to make a move -  а) отправляться;  б) вставать из-за стола [см. тж. move  3) и move  4) ]; to get a move on coll. - спешить, торопиться, поторапливаться; (to be) on the move - (быть) на ногах, в движении  2) переезд (на другую квартиру)  3) ход (в игре); to make a move - сделать ход [см. тж. move  1) и move  4) ]  4) поступок, шаг; to make a move - предпринять что-л.; начать действовать [см. тж. move  1) и move  3) ]  5) акция, действие; - foreign-policy moves  2. v.  1) двигать(ся); передвигать(ся); - move a piece  2) вращаться (напр., в литературных кругах)  3) приводить в движение; to move the bowels - заставлять работать кишечник  4) побуждать (к чему-л.)  5) трогать, растрогать  6) волновать; вызывать (какие-л. чувства, эмоции); to move to anger (to laughter) - рассердить (рассмешить); to move to tears - довести до слез  7) вносить (предложение, резолюцию); делать заявление, обращаться (в суд и т.п.); ходатайствовать (for)  8) переезжать; переселяться; to move house -...
Англо-русский словарь
  ~1 v 1 »CHANGE PLACE« to change your place or position, or to make something do this  (Don't move or I'll shoot. | You mustn't get off the train while it's still moving. | move sth)  (Can you move your car - it's blocking the road. | We'll have to move the bed closer to the wall. | move about BrE /around)  (I could hear someone moving around upstairs. | can't move (=be stuck or trapped))  (Get me out of here - I can't move.) 2 »NEW HOUSE/OFFICE« to go to live or work in a different place  (When are you moving to Memphis?) + into  (They've moved into a bigger office.) move house/home BrE (=go to live in a different house)  (My parents kept moving house because of my dad's job.) 3 »CHANGE JOB/CLASS ETC« to change to a different job, class etc, or to make someone change to a different job, class etc  (move sb to/into)  (His teacher wants him moved to a higher class. | move to/from)  (She's just moved from the sales department.) 4 »CHANGE YOUR OPINION« a) to change from one opinion or way of thinking to another  (Neither side is willing to move on the issue of territory.) + towards/away from  (The two political parties have moved closer towards each other in recent months.) b) to persuade someone to change their opinion  (She won't be moved - it doesn't matter what you say to her.) 5 »MAKE SB SAD« to make someone feel strong feelings, especially of sadness or sympathy  (be deeply/greatly moved)  (I was deeply moved by their story. | move sb to tears)  (The child's suffering moved us to tears.)  (- see also moving) 6 »PROGRESS« to progress in a particular way or at a particular rate  (Things moved quickly once the contract was signed. | The negotiations seem to be moving in the right direction.) 7 be/feel moved to do sth to want to do something because you feel angry, sad etc  (Hearing so much nonsense talked, I felt moved to speak on the subject.) 8 get moving informal a) used when telling someone to hurry or when saying that you must hurry  (We'd better get moving if we're going to catch that plane.)...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  physiol. abbr. Mesopic Optimization Of Visual Efficiency physiol. abbr. Mesopic Optimisation Of Visual Efficiency educ. abbr. Mobility Opportunities Via Education NASDAQ abbr. Cinema Ride, Inc. ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - 1275, from Anglo-Fr. movir, from L. movere "move." The noun in the gaming sense is from 1656. Movement in the political/social sense is from 1828. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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